Category: Creo Toolkit

Synchronous Vs Asynchronous Mode – Creo Customization

No Synchronous Mode Asynchronous Mode 01 DLL mode Multi-process mode (spawned mode) 02 Application and Creo parametric do not perform concurrent operations Creo Parametric & Plugin can perform concurrent operations 03 Application process is the child process of Creo parametric (xtop.exe) Using remote procedure calls (rpc) for communication between the application and Creo Parametric 04…
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Get active model data in Creo Toolkit

Getting data of the active creo model is most basic thing in Creo Customization. Here I considering to get the data of the Creo model which opened in active window. Create a function named getActiveModel(). The return type ProError can be modified by user as per their requirement. Declare the Variables requiredDeclare Variable ProError  The…
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